Sponsor Content from SmartSky Networks

A More Intelligent Way to Connect

The Skytelligence data platform enhances the capabilities of valued applications and services

Whether it’s emailing, videoconferencing, or delivering real-time engine data to the operator’s DOM, aircraft connectivity is all about getting the right information to the right person at the right time. SmartSky meets all those needs with efficiencies never before possible.

It wasn’t long ago when connectivity meant getting text, voice, and data onto the airplane. Not anymore. Now, critical information has to be able to move as freely off the aircraft as on. The problem is that prior-generation solutions aren’t designed for that.

Fortunately, SmartSky’s new-generation air-to-ground network is.

“Today, connectivity includes a number of players—the passengers and crew in the air and maintainers and OEMs on the ground,” explained Brit Wanick, SmartSky Networks LLC’s VP of Marketing and Partnerships. “When we connect them together with the data they need, we make it easier for them to do what they need to do.”

At the heart of that capability is SmartSky’s ability to enable two-way data transfer that’s faster, more reliable, and more secure than what operators have now. The key to this is the company’s patented beamforming technology and network architecture, which together enable the unique, reliable re-use of 60 MHz of spectrum in the unlicensed band to deliver a 10x experience compared to legacy air-to-ground technology.

“With other providers, all the aircraft in a given beam share the available bandwidth. That can dramatically slow performance,” Wanick said. “Our beamforming connects each aircraft through a dedicated beam. No sharing. That means lower latency, enhanced security, and unmatched performance.”

Another technology that is unique to SmartSky is its Skytelligence data platform.

“We know that inflight connectivity from satellite or air-to-ground services means more than just providing an internet connection to the aircraft. Once the connection is made, applications and services turn that link into real value. Skytelligence makes data from your connectivity service more accessible, enhances the capabilities of existing applications (i.e. real-time turbulence awareness displayed on your EFB), and serves as the accelerant needed to deliver real outcomes for passengers and operators.”

“To have a connected aircraft today requires providing a full suite of services,” Wanick added. “We’ve designed every component of SmartSky— from the terrestrial network to the aircraft LRUs, to Skytelligence—around delivering the best experience in business aviation.”

The Solution

  • New-generation SmartSky air-to-ground network delivers premium two-way connectivity
  • Patented beamforming technology provides the highest throughput and lowest latency in business aviation
  • The Skytelligence data platform enhances the capabilities of valued applications and services
