Bombardier Challenger 605
Bombardier Challenger 605

Aircraft Stats

We list the crucial data about every notable jet and turboprop on the market.

As soon as its first owner departs from the manufacturer’s delivery center, a new airplane technically becomes used (or preowned). For various reasons, however, 10 years after an aircraft’s final production date is generally considered the milestone separating “newer” used business aircraft from “older” ones. 

In deciding which aircraft to cover, we went well past this 10-year mark to provide information on all business airplanes and helicopters manufactured since 1998. This means our list includes some models manufactured before that year, as long as they were still being produced as recently as 1998. As a rule, a long production run is indicative of a successful aircraft. 

We have not listed new models that, at press time, had yet to receive final certification. 

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