Bombardier Global Production Stops as Workers Strike

Assembly of its largest and longest-range models are on hold until a new work contract can be forged.

Production of Global 5500s, 6500s, and 7500s in Toronto has temporarily stopped after 1,350 Bombardier employees represented by the Unifor Local 112 and 673 unions recently went on strike. The union and company did not reach an agreement by the 11:59 p.m. strike deadline on June 22, stopping work at the Global aircraft assembly center at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Bombardier opened this new $500 million aircraft production facility early last month.

According to the union, its bargaining committee members are “working towards an agreement and both parties remain committed to continuing the bargaining process.” Negotiations between Unifor and Bombardier continued Saturday night into midday yesterday before resuming this morning.

A Bombardier spokesman told BJT that “discussions are progressing [and] we are keeping our focus solely on that. What we can say at this stage is that Bombardier is continuing to negotiate with all parties. Our collective goal remains to swiftly reach a mutually beneficial agreement.”

Inside Bombardier's New Toronto Production Facility (VIDEO)

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