Coronavirus Prompts Warning to Bizav Travelers
Stay away from China, advises UAS International Trip Support. If you must go, take precautions.
With continuing reports of the global spread of Wuhan coronavirus, UAS International Trip Support is advising business aviation operators against traveling to China, noting that more coronavirus cases have been reported there as well as in 25 other countries, including Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Canada, France, and Germany. “While a general travel ban has not been issued, we advise postponing travel to China as rapid changes in administrative safety measures are imposed,” UAS said. “Hotels are suddenly closing and/or no longer accepting guests for health safety concerns. In addition, regular long-haul shuttle bus services from the capital Beijing and Shanghai city have been suspended indefinitely.”
Meanwhile, three major business aircraft manufacturers—Textron Aviation, Gulfstream Aerospace, and Bombardier—have confirmed that because of the virus, they won’t be exhibiting at the Singapore Airshow, which is set for February 11–16. However, BJT sister publication Aviation International News will be on-site covering the event.
The three airframers cited the well-being of their employees and customers as the reason behind their decision. “In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, we are taking extra precautions by limiting international travel and have made the difficult decision to withdraw" from the show, Gulfstream said in a statement.
In a separate statement, Singapore Airshow organizers said the show will go on as planned even though 10 exhibitors from China and five from three other countries have withdrawn from exhibiting. Others canceling their participation include CAE from Canada, Stemme from Germany, and Ampaire and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (Comac). The airshow organizer will enhance its cleaning and trash-disposal procedures, have hand sanitizers available, and position doctors and medics on-site to assist attendees.