Love, Politics, and Polls
Love, Politics, and Polls
Who better than Mary Matalin and James Carville to grace the October/November cover of this magazine? The political power couple—and longtime business jet fans—are the perfect duo to comment on the unprecedented craziness surrounding this year’s U.S. presidential election (see interviews). As I’m sure you know, their views on government couldn’t be more different. So whichever side you’re on in this election, we suspect you’ll find plenty in our cover story to agree with—and plenty with which you’d take issue.
During separate interviews a few weeks later, they both made light of editor Jeff Burger’s question about whether politicians could learn something from their marriage. Still, Matalin’s response was touching. “If you have a different view of the country, which it seems politicians do, then never the twain shall meet. [But] in [James’s and my] case, I don’t care what our problems are, we’re never gonna not love each other, we’re never gonna get divorced, and we’re never gonna jeopardize the happiness of our children.” Pretty solid rules to live by, if you ask me.
Here at BJT, we have recently held our own election of sorts, the results of which you’ll find in this issue October 2016 issue. Thank you to everyone who responded to our 6th annual Readers’ Choice Survey. We added some new questions this year, including ones about how you respond to criticism of business aviation and what FBOs you prefer.
We weren’t surprised to see that, as in past years, you said the number-one reason you choose to fly privately is to save time. Time, of course, is one of the most precious and elusive commodities, which is why we never take for granted the time you take to read Business Jet Traveler and participate in our surveys. Nearly 1,300 of you—a record-breaking number and a 26 percent increase from last year—completed the 2016 poll. By doing so, you have helped not only us, but also your fellow readers. We know from experience that your opinions will be read and taken seriously by the manufacturers and service providers that shape our community.
P.S. The Carville/Matalin interviews address a variety of controversial topics. Please remember that we look forward to your comments, positive and negative, about everything in the magazine. You can contact me directly at the email address above or submit letters for our Mailbox department at editor@bjtonline.com.