Pre-owned business jets are selling 45% faster since 2019, reveals annual Jetcraft Market Forecast
Jetcraft's 2024 Market Forecast shows buyers of luxury jets are younger than ever, with aircraft selling faster than in 2019.
Ever Forward, 2024’s Pre-Owned Business Jet Forecast, 10th anniversary edition, shows the purchase period for pre-owned jets has significantly sped up, with aircraft now spending an average 129 days on the market compared to 233 days in 2018-2019, a notable 45% decrease.
Transaction rates are expected to settle at this new level, even with more inventory available, culminating in annual revenue of $15.6B by 2028. The forecast predicts that while the apex of ‘days on market’ was reached in 2023, the industry is unlikely to see a return to 2018-2019 levels as the pandemic has forever changed market economics, with generational wealth and a growing increase in global UHNWIs driving wider use of business aviation.
Ever Forward also shows that the market has corrected, following higher demand during the pandemic, and Jetcraft forecasts a total of 10,307 transactions over the next five years. The market correction is an important indicator of the long-term health of business aviation, as the industry looks to avoid the ‘boom and bust’ scenario of the late 2000s.
Key trends show the Americas remains the busiest region for business aviation, holding its overall market share with diverse sales across aircraft types. EMEA is the second biggest market, with a mix of aircraft making up transaction values and volumes, while APAC has seen transactions resuming in China, strong growth in Southeast Asia and a significant regional trend towards pre-owned large-cabin aircraft.
The report also highlights how the under 45s are becoming a global force, with 28% of Jetcraft buyers now in this age category, a 14% increase since 2019, and averaging $13M per transaction. The Middle East and Africa boast the greatest proportion of younger buyers, due to the growth of UHNWIs in these regions.
Finally, for the first time this year Ever Forward includes an analysis of market dynamics. Aside from a decrease in the amount of time an aircraft is for sale, key indicators show the pandemic hasn’t structurally changed the market, with no major shifts globally or per segment.
To download Ever Forward, 2024’s Pre-Owned Business Jet Market Forecast and explore the findings in full, visit https://www.jetcraft.com/market-forecast-2024