Private jets on airport ramp at Kahului Airport in Maui, Hawaii
Prices for fixed and capped hourly rate jet cards and memberships increased 4.9 percent in the final three months of 2022. (Photo: Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons)

Private Jet Card, Membership Prices Continue To Climb

The average hourly price rose to $11,748 across all categories in the fourth quarter.

Fixed and capped hourly rate jet cards and memberships increased 4.9 percent quarter-over-quarter, according to private aviation services buyer’s guide Private Jet Card Comparisons. The average hourly price climbed to $11,748 across all categories in the fourth quarter, capping a 21 percent rise for all of last year.

However, the company said there's cause for optimism. It cited daily minimum charges decreasing to 94.7 minutes in the fourth quarter, down from a high of 109.3 minutes in the second quarter. While this is higher than the pre-COVID low of 86.2 minutes in fourth-quarter 2019, the result was that the cost of shorter flights dropped by 8.8 percent late last year.

Meanwhile, the average cost for fixed-rate jet cards beat on-demand charter pricing in five of 12 flight scenarios tracked quarterly by the company. The $27,738 average flight price for fixed and capped-rate jet cards and memberships with guaranteed availability essentially matched the lowest on-demand flight costs of $27,853.