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Sponsor Content from Global Jet Capital

Learn How to Offset the Impact of Your Business Aircraft

Global Jet Capital Launches CleanFlight Carbon Offset Program

Global Jet Capital is working to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change, which is why they have launched their new CleanFlight Carbon Offset Program.

In partnership with, a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Global Jet Capital will provide clients with access to the knowledge and expertise required to make informed decisions about offsetting the impact of their aircraft operations on the environment through the acquisition of verified carbon offsets.

A carbon offset is a certificate representing the reduction of one metric ton (2,205 lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions, which is a principal contributor to climate change. Any project that reduces carbon dioxide emissions and completes the validation and verification process for voluntary carbon offset projects can result in the production of carbon offsets. In this case, every ton of emissions reduced results in the creation of one carbon offset.

How the CleanFlight Carbon Offset Program Works

At the time of negotiating an operating lease, finance lease or loan, Global Jet Capital will assist the client in determining the size of the carbon footprint associated with their aircraft. This will be based on the fuel burn associated with the make and model of your aircraft, anticipated annual operations, and desired years of coverage.

Based on these parameters, they will arrange the purchase of the appropriate number of carbon offsets to cover the anticipated usage partially or fully at their discounted rate. At the time of deal close, they work with the clients and to facilitate payment and the delivery of appropriate documentation of the offset.

The amount of carbon offsets you want to acquire is entirely up to you and the program is completely voluntary. Governmental requirements around environmental mitigation can vary significantly and as such, this program is not intended to satisfy such requirements.

The proceeds from your transaction are then used by to purchase and retire the quantity of carbon credits that correspond to the quantity of carbon emissions calculated from the private aviation flights and fuel consumption. These carbon credits are produced by third-party validated and verified voluntary carbon offset projects around the world. The sale of the carbon credits is the primary method of funding for these carbon emissions reduction, avoidance, and sequestration projects.

Average Long Range Aircraft Usage

The average aircraft will burn 421 gallons of Jet A fuel per hour or 4.10 CO2e Metric Tonnes per Hour. Using’s standard retail price of $10 USD / per metric tonne for carbon offsets, an operator of an aircraft being flown 300 hours in a year will want to purchase $12,307 USD worth of carbon offsets, which after applying Global Jet Capital’s negotiated 10% discount would cost $11,077.

Under these conditions, an aircraft owner looking to cover operations of this nature over the entirety of a 7-year lease or loan would want to make an upfront purchase of $77,539 USD (after Global Jet Capital discount pricing). 

Going green just became simpler. To learn more about the CleanFlight Carbon Offset Program, visit