A 10-Minute Investment That Will Pay Dividends

Help yourself and fellow bizjet travelers by completing our annual reader survey.

It’s time again for our annual Readers’ Choice poll—the biggest and most authoritative such survey in the bizav field. I hope you’ll agree that it’s worth 10 minutes of your time to participate.

Your opinions and experiences will help us to compile a report that you and your fellow readers can use to become better-informed consumers. Which manufacturers do our subscribers believe make the most reliable aircraft? Which models in various categories are most desirable? Which companies provide the best product support? The survey results will answer these and many other important questions.

Moreover, this is an excellent opportunity for you to talk back to the business aviation companies you deal with, as they pay close attention to the responses to our poll each year. If, for example, many readers give high marks to an airplane model—or low marks to a manufacturer’s customer service—they’ll notice.

In case those incentives aren’t enough to persuade you to invest 10 minutes, I can offer several more. For each person who completes the survey, we’ll make a contribution to Corporate Angel Network, which provides transportation to treatment on business jets to cancer patients and their families. In addition, we’ll enter you in a drawing for a $250 American Express gift card. At the end of the survey, also, you’ll have an opportunity to sign up for or renew free subscriptions to BJT (print or digital—your choice) and BJTWaypoints, our twice-weekly email newsletter, which keeps readers up to date with the best of the print publication and our web-only features and blogs.

Convinced? Just click here to take the survey.