Signature Rolls Out COVID-19 Standards
Its more than 200 FBOs worldwide are using a 50-point cleanliness checklist several times a day.
Signature Flight Support, the world’s largest FBO chain, has launched SignatureAssure, its COVID-19 response program. Introduced as general aviation flying levels slowly begin to rise, the program encompasses all recommended practices, including social distancing with signage and floor markings, a mandatory employee training plan, and use of personal protection equipment. Health screenings are administered at the start of every worker shift using pulse oximeters and touchless thermometers.
In its more than 200 facilities worldwide, a 50-point facility cleanliness checklist has been adopted and is implemented several times a day. It incorporates technologies such as electrostatic sprayers that allow large areas of the terminals to be quickly sanitized. In lounge areas, furniture has been reconfigured to meet current social distancing guidelines and all non-essential common use items have been removed.
The company has also leveraged its partnership with National Car Rental to provide sanitized rental cars at all of its FBO locations.