Three Chinese orphans from remote cities were the first to benefit from Angel Jet Network’s free flights using donated private jets.
Three Chinese orphans from remote cities were the first to benefit from Angel Jet Network’s free flights using donated private jets.

Bizav Charity Aids Asian Medical Patients

Angel Jet Network provides transportation to medical care for underprivileged patients across the Asia-Pacific region.

Angel Jet Network (AJN), a Hong Kong-based charity providing transportation to medical care for underprivileged patients across the Asia-Pacific region, made its first flights last September. The flights carried orphans from the Chunhui Children’s Foundation to Chinese hospitals, where they were due to have major surgery.

AJN, which is inspired by the U.S.-based Corporate Angel Network (CAN), uses aircraft and seats donated by individuals and companies. The organization works with charities that provide free medical care to poor patients but are generally unable to supply free transportation. In some cases, flights will carry medical personnel to remote locations.

Angel Jet Network invites companies and individuals worldwide to contribute empty seats, empty legs, and flight hours within Asia as well as airline frequent-flyer miles and tickets, fundraising support, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, and financial contributions. The organization also seeks aircraft owners and operators willing to provide flights between the U.S. and Asia as part of its plan to recruit American doctors to provide medical procedures and training.

AJN’s advisory board includes CAN cofounder Pat Blum; former CAN executive director Dick Koenig; and David Leach, group publisher of AIN Publications, BJT’s owner. Info:, email